Wednesday, July 23, 2008

God can and does use anything and everything to speak to us and move in our lives. It’s such a beautiful, humbling, amazing thing to watch Him work through everyday life and circumstances, and to sense the Divine in the ordinary.

I have struggled with worshiping the idol of my appetite for food my entire life. I started gaining weight when I was 12 and stayed heavy through the rest of my school years. As an adult, my weight has been up and down, with a tendency towards up.

In my head, I understand the multiple priceless benefits of a healthy diet and exercise. What’s even worse is that I really want those many benefits right now and for the future, but the insatiable craving for all things tasty still remains. Twix Bars, cheesecake, pizza, tacos, popcorn, ice cream – I’m ashamed to admit it, but I want the immediate gratification that comes from enjoying these treats even more than I want the many wonderful benefits that would come from abstaining from them.

Last year I read a John Piper message about the renewing of the spirit of the mind, and how God-honoring living springs forth automatically from a mind that is renewed. It is a message that changed my life dramatically, forever and for the better.

A few months ago I started praying that God would renew my eating habits and reset all of my physical appetites by renewing my mind in those areas. I love to fast, and have used fasting successfully as weight control for the last couple of years. But the last six months or so, I haven’t been able to do it. Still, I’ve stubbornly clung to the idea and have rejected any other diet ideas until recently, when God stepped in forcefully to show me another path to follow.

Health problems like cancer and heart disease run in my family anyway, and I had received a disturbing test result at a routine physical recently that got me really thinking about these things. On Sunday, July 6, 2008, during a powerful time of worship at our church, God impressed upon my heart that if I don’t change my health habits, I will probably die young.

The very next day, I received an email from a good friend regarding this topic, in which he suggested several mind-renewing ideas about learning how to eat healthy and take good care of myself. At first when I read it, I thought, sure, I’ll eat healthy, but first I’m going to fast.

But then that Wednesday, at our 7 p.m. home group meeting, we had a time of prayer during which one person would stand in the middle, and everyone else would gather round and pray for them. During that time, people were free and encouraged to share insights, revelations, and observations with the person who was being prayed for. When it was my turn to be prayed for, one of the ladies in the group (an AWESOME prayer warrior) looked right at me and said “God wants you to shelve it. I don’t know what that means, but He wants you to shelve it.”

Immediately when she said that, I knew God was speaking to me through her that He doesn’t want me to fast right now. But almost as immediately, the stubbornness in me argued back and said He couldn’t possibly mean that, He must mean something else.

However, the next morning I couldn’t sleep at about 5 a.m. and was laying in bed praying. I asked God to show me what He meant when He said “shelve it.” And I realized beyond a shadow of a doubt that He wants me to shelve the idea of fasting. I love that He used that word, too, because it means that He doesn’t want me to get rid of the practice of fasting entirely, but that He wants me to put it on a shelf until after I’ve learned how to take care of myself, and to bring it back out at a later time when He tells me to.

That same day, I took my daughter to a local 2nd hand store at her request, and as she was browsing, I went to the book section. I never go to the book section there because there’s no order to the books, but on this day, I felt like there was something there God wanted me to find. And sure enough, on the top rack of books, right in the middle, was a book that jumped out at me called “The Maker’s Diet.” God reached into the river of books in this world and plucked this one out and handed it to me.

So now He’s doing exactly what I wanted Him to do… Through faithful friends and this amazing book, He is renewing my mind in the area of health and food and eating. Thank you, Lord!


Anonymous said...

Mel, thanks for sharing the process that God is helping you with in regards to your health. It is awesome that you are close enough to God to heed such warnings. Many people kill themselves with their own bad and lazy choices and then when they get diseased they ask 'why God' when in fact it was their choices that brought them to that point.

I have that book also. This book is packed with a ton of applicable and cutting edge info that will have an amazing impact on your health if you follow it. My only word of caution is to know that he is Jewish. Some of his perspectives may be a little different than a Christians just like they would be with Dr. Laura. I also have another word of caution in regards to a few of his recommendations but I will need to talk to you on the phone about that.

Mel said...

Thank you for your comments, Kayloni. I'm looking forward to our telephone conversation! I did research about Dr. Rubin, and everything I find says he is Jewish by heritage and is also a born-again Christian.

Bless you, my friend! :)

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello Mel! Greetings!

You have posted a lavish spread of food for thought which includes diet, exercise and fasting.

As far as the diet is concerned you should see what you eat and ensure it is not oily, fatty, excessive sugar and too much carbohyrates. Of course, if you leave out these things food will become insipid and tasteless. You should also drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. You should not eat too much and you should get up from the table feeling a little bit hungry. What would you prefer-- a piece of nice roasted chicken or a banana to eat? A tasty pudding or a glass of water?

Exercise should be a life style activity. Just like eating, drinking and sleeping, exercise should become part of your daily life. You should set apart a specific time for this and as far as possible adhere to it without giving any excuse what so ever. Can you do this is the question?

Fasting should be done at regular intervals, at least once a week. Fasting gives rest to the stomach, cleanses the digestive system of impurities and makes you generally feel good. Is this possible?

To me, to be steadfast in all the above things you need very strong will power, self motivation and God's grace.


Now let us refer to some portions in the BIBLE:

NEW TESTAMENT - JESUS said: "What Moses gave you was not the bread from heaven. For the bread that God gives is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." They asked him, " Sir, give us this bread always." Jesus told them, " I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be hungry, he who believes in me will never be thirsty."(JOHN- 6)

"Better off is a poor man who is well and strong in constitution than a rich man who is severely afflicted in body.

Health and soundness are better than all gold and a robust body than countless riches.

There is no wealth better than health of body and there is no gladness above joy of heart.

Death is better than a miserable life and eternal rest than chronic sickness."(SIRACH -30)

Wish you all the best in food, fasting and exercise!

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear that. He hides it well and I wonder why. I did not see him pray in Jesus name ever as I flipped through the book. He thanks God often but doesn't mention Jesus. He mentioned NT verses very sparingly (which makes sense because most of the food stuff is in the old T) but all this lead to beleive that he was not a Christian.

I'm glad to hear that he is and that you did your research. I wish he was a bit more upfront about it though....or maybe I skipped an important chapter in the book? hehe :0

love you...

Mel said...

Joseph, thank you for your thoughtful advice. Your insights are always appreciated. I'll try to implement some of what you said and I'll let you know how it works out. :)

Kayloni, I think Dr. Rubin is passionate about people being healthy, no matter what their religion. I think he's made it pretty easy to find out what his beliefs are when someone really wants to find out, but I think it's possible that he keeps his books relatively generic in that area because he doesn't want people to be turned away from this important healthy information based on religious bias. Of course, I'm just guessing.

I did read one part of "The Maker's Diet" where he was talking about meeting with a group of Jews who believe that Jesus is the Messiah.

God bless you both! :)