Thursday, March 19, 2009

All Choked Up

A few days ago, I finished memorizing the 11th verse of “O Sacred Head Now Wounded.” Today I printed out the words for the next hymn I’m hoping to memorize, “It is Well With My Soul.” The tears are literally choking my throat as I write this. I feel like I’m saying goodnight to an old friend, and embracing a new one. This is the first song God specifically spoke through my friends to point me towards, namely Danielle and Fred. So as God helps me to commit these beautifully meaningful and time-tested words of truth to memory, He will also be anchoring in my heart a deeper love for these precious people. God is good!

Photo from the internet


FCB said...

Mel you are quite the inspiriation, eleven verses! I have just conquered memorizing my social security number!
You're a wonder.

Mel said...

Hi Fred,

It was exercise for the brain for sure, but it was so refreshing and renewing from the inside out, I can hardly describe it. Endless food for thought and prayer and meditation.

I love thinking about how many people before me have sung this song, and about the overwhelming emotion that must have flooded the heart of the person who wrote it.

Bless you!


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel:)

I'm glad you are putting you memory to good use. When you are young it is quite easy to memorize and retain. It is becoming very difficult for me to by heart and retain it in my head. It is the problem with my age. There is a saying:USE IT OR LOSE IT! This is what happened to me :) I envy you :)

In any case I'm not going to give up learning by rote. The exercise shakes up and vitalizes the brain

Your photo is very beautiful and enchanting.

Have a good day :)

Laura lok said...

wow thats amazing feet of memorization

Mel said...

Hi Joseph! Your comments always encourage me. "Use it or lose it." I think of that quite frequently. I took 9 years of piano lessons as a child, and now, because I never play the piano, I can hardly play at all. How sad. I do so want to be a good steward of all that God has trusted me with, so I pray that He will set the priorities of my heart according to His will. Bless you, my friend!

Hi Laura! Thanks, but it wasn't all that amazing. It took me like 2 months. :) I have a friend who is memorizing an entire chapter of the Bible. Now THAT, to me, seems nearly insurmountable. :) Bless you!

FCB said...

Mel, this is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen! How could I not comment on it.
Talk about a Creator! What a creative God we serve.

Mel said...

Amen, Fred! It's one of the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen, too! I'm so glad you like it! :0