Thursday, May 14, 2009

Books, Books and More Books

Tuesday night I was blessed to be able to go to the Spokane Valley Library—twice! The first time I went it was just me and my mom, because I knew she needed to get out of the house for a bit. We found several delightful picture books to take home to read to the kids, as well as a couple of DVD’s, one of which was “War Photographer.” The second time I went, it was just me and Linnea, and together we ended up getting three bags full of books. To coin a phrase of Pastor Eric’s, “My reading eyes are bigger than my reading stomach.” For sure.

I was nearing the end of the book “A Generous Orthodoxy” by Brian McLaren at that time, and wanted to check out some of the books that he references in it. One of the books I checked out is “Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee” by Dee Brown. It’s a non-fiction book about some portions of American history as told form a Native American perspective. I’m only about 4 pages into it, and I’ve been near tears a few times already. The atrocities that have been committed by people of my own race and religion (in God’s name, no less!!) absolutely take my breath away and cause my heart to physically hurt. My father-in-law, my mom’s boyfriend and one of my best friends from high school are both Native American, so this book is especially meaningful to me. May God use it to open my eyes and humble my heart.

(This photo is also from Katrena)


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel:)

I'm glad to note you are a voracious reader and making good use of the library.

I find it very difficult to read anything for a long time. My eyes automatically closes and I start dozing. I don't know why? As a result, I stopped going to the library.

Kat's photo is lovely.

Have a nice day Mel:)

FCB said...

Hi Mel,
I remember hearing about that book and, like you, it so greives me to read about oppression, slavery and the like. I like to think all of our forefathers were honest, just and merciful. But I'm afraid it is hardly the case; but it motivates me to be color blind and do what I can to see past any and all prejudices. I was playing kick ball last night with the neighbor kids and I over heard them making fun of my grandson Dre'Sean. He is four or so years younger than the two kids laughing at him and I went over to them and tried in a loving way to expose their follish and hurtful statements. I think I succeeded, at any rate they ceased. But I thought to myself, if you knew all the crap this little guy has gone through in his life you would treat him like a prince. But, alas, kids are kids, but that small incident bothered me.
God bless,

Mel said...

Hi Joseph,

There are many books that put me to sleep, too. I don't read them anymore. Now I only read the books that grab my heart so powerfully, I can't help BUT read them. And usually rather than putting me to sleep, they keep me very much awake. There have been many a night when I stayed up until 1 or 2 am simply because I couldn't put the book down. Silly me.

Hi Fred,

I'm glad you did something to intervene in that situation, and I have felt that same kind of frustration over the cruetly and insensitivity of so many of my fellow humans. I've been guilty of it myself. Thank God He made a way for us to be set free from the vicious cycle!

Thanks, Fred and Joseph, I can always count on you to read and comment. It means the world to me. Joy and prosperity to both of you and those who are dear to you!