Thursday, May 14, 2009

Our Beautiful Blue Planet

I downloaded Google Earth so I could follow the progress of certain freshwater well projects through Charity Water. It’s one of the most amazing feats of electronic achievement I’ve ever seen! My husband has been having a great time exploring with it, too. He even found our house. You can zoom in really close—close enough to see the cars in the driveway and the pool in the back yard. Talk about having the whole world at your fingertips! It’s a map-lover’s paradise! J

(Phto From the Inernet)


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel:)

I fully agree with you Mel. Google Earth is a great invention by man and very useful.

I also read in a news paper that Google Earth invades into the privacy of people.

Have a lovely day Mel:)

Mel said...

Hi Joseph,

Yes, I can see how it could be seen as an invasion of privacy. However, when we zoomed in as close as we could, we couldn't get close enough to actually see people, so there is a limit on how invasive this particular tool can be. Good thing to consider, though.

Bless you, my friend!