Thursday, May 01, 2008

Florida, here we come! Lord willing, of course.

We've been planning this trip to Florida for over a year now, and here we are with the date almost upon us already. We're scheduled to fly out on Monday evening. Our daughter Lisa is going with us, and we're also taking our daughters Linnea and Megan and our son, Stephen, with us. Our little ones, Rebecca and Michael, will be staying with my husband's mom and her husband on their 20 acres in the mountains outside of Colville.

People keep asking me if I'm so excited for our trip. And the answer is yes, of course I'm excited. I'm especially excited for my husband and my daughters Lisa and Linnea, because they are looking forward to this trip with great anticipation and have been for months. Lord willing, it will be a time of great refreshing and rejuvination for all of them.

I, on the other hand, am wading in the waters of uncharted territory in this amazing adventure of being God's child. Vacation is going to be wonderful, different from the norm, exciting and experiential. It is not, however, going to be any better than any other aspect of my life. I love it all, even the painful and frustrating stuff, because everything, absolutely everything, points me towards the face and heart of Christ. You know that nervous, butterflies in the stomach feeling when you're really, really looking forward to something and just can't wait for it to get here? That's how I feel all the time. I just can't wait to hear God's voice, to see His hands at work, and to have a greater revelation of His heart and passion. It can and does happen anywhere and at anytime, especially in the difficult places. Ah, Life! How could it be any better?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heard it said that we should be so full of 'living water' that when we come into contact with other people it bumps out onto their lives.

I don't think I have ever known you and not had the sense that you are like that.