Sunday, June 01, 2008

A Word at Walmart

Have you met God? I mean really met Him? There is no joy or glory in life that can even come close to comparing to really knowing God intimately.

So much of what I see and hear from people leads me to believe that, while they may have accepted Christ as their Savior, while they may think they believe certain things about God, their vision of Him is merely a shadow of the True Beauty and Magnificence that He is.

God gave me a word at the valley Wal-Mart in January, 2006. He started speaking to me near the east entrance by the carts, and my heart started racing, my hands started shaking, and as the words were being birthed in my mind and heart, there was an incredulous part of me that was sitting back watching, going, "Wow, this is really happening, you're really receiving a word from the Lord. In Wal-Mart of all places!" I'd heard of people receiving words from the Lord before, and I had had moments of inspiration that I took to be words from the Lord, but this was unique in that they were exact words, phrases and sentences instead of vague and wordless pictures or concepts.

I took a piece of paper and a pen out of my purse with shaking hands and wrote as fast as I could so I wouldn't forget what was being said. I had goosebumps and a grave sense of being in the presence of holiness, of greatness, and of the importance of what was being said. He continued to talk to me as I was walking through the store and finished when I was back by the milk. I was so filled with joy and wonder and excitement that I took a few moments to praise and thank God in my spirit. I was smiling gleefully and the people around me must have thought I was crazy. They would look at me and I would just smile at them like I had just won the lottery or something.

Then, because joy, pleasure, and triumph are usually not complete until they've been shared with other people, I called my husband and told him what had just happened.

Here it is, and God has spent the last 2 1/2 years of my life teaching me what it really means:

January 21, 2006

God desires radical obedience.
Radical obedience is an automatic by-product of knowing God intimately.
Because when we know Him intimately, we can’t not trust Him.
And when we trust Him absolutely, His words, commands, laws, and principles become life and healing and wholeness to us.
Jesus said His yoke is easy and the burden light.
Do you feel burdened down by what you feel are the “have to’s” of a Christian Life? Don’t!
Make seeking to know God more your most passionate daily pursuit, and all the rest will fall into place.

I'll say the last line again, because God has taught me, in the deepest part of my heart, that this is what all of life is about:

Make seeking to know God more your most passionate daily pursuit, and all the rest will fall into place.



FCB said...

Mel, we have talked about Divine mysticism, and what it means. This report is one, clear definition.
We are told to test the spirits and I witness in my spirit as well as my mind, that this was, and is, a holy word of God for you and a word that has been the fire and inspiration in Christians for all times. This word has been varified by sages of all time and found to be trustworthy.
I have heard many "words from God", by many people, some were, some were not. This, is in my estimation, a sound, Biblical,Spirit given word, straight from the heart of Christ.
Follow this anointing and you will stay in the lap of Christ forever.

Mel said...

Thanks for your words of encouragement and wisdom, Fred. I will take them to heart. :)

pilgriminconflict said...

Thanks for sharing this Mel. Those words deeply resonate in my heart. I can't imagine what that must have been like. But I praise the Lord that He granted you the grace to encounter Him in that way. That's amazing.