No Boxes Here -- God sent a Goomba!
If you’re at all familiar with the “Super Mario Brothers” Nintendo games, you’ll know who this little guy is. God used him to help me through a tough situation recently. I’m telling you what, there’s no putting our Great God in a box! He can use absolutely anything for His glory and our good!
On Friday, October 3, 2008, I was blessed with the opportunity to be a part of an experiment at work that involved shooting a short video. When the time came for the shooting, even though I thought I had my lines memorized, I was so nervous that I was having trouble remembering them.
A friend from work graciously attended the filming with me, and it was such a blessing to have her there. But I didn’t feel comfortable looking at her while I was saying my lines, because I knew that people viewing the video would be able to tell I was looking at someone besides the camera. So I looked at the camera and stumbled through several failed attempts and saying my lines.
Finally, in my heart I began to pray that God would help me get through this without wasting any more of the time of the people who were putting the video together. And all of a sudden I saw it… Hanging from the camera was a tiny plastic Goomba on a keychain! His was a familiar – albeit grumpy – face that brought back a flood of fond memories.
God spoke to me through that tiny little face from my past, reassuring me that He was there with me, and giving me something to look at that was familiar, comfortable, and close enough to the camera that I could look at it and still look like I was looking at the camera.
I laughed out loud, pointed to it and said, “Hey, that’s from Mario!”
And from then on I was able to remember what I was supposed to say.
Thank You, Father God, for being so infinitely personal and creative and for bringing all of the details together so brilliantly!
If you’re at all familiar with the “Super Mario Brothers” Nintendo games, you’ll know who this little guy is. God used him to help me through a tough situation recently. I’m telling you what, there’s no putting our Great God in a box! He can use absolutely anything for His glory and our good!
On Friday, October 3, 2008, I was blessed with the opportunity to be a part of an experiment at work that involved shooting a short video. When the time came for the shooting, even though I thought I had my lines memorized, I was so nervous that I was having trouble remembering them.
A friend from work graciously attended the filming with me, and it was such a blessing to have her there. But I didn’t feel comfortable looking at her while I was saying my lines, because I knew that people viewing the video would be able to tell I was looking at someone besides the camera. So I looked at the camera and stumbled through several failed attempts and saying my lines.
Finally, in my heart I began to pray that God would help me get through this without wasting any more of the time of the people who were putting the video together. And all of a sudden I saw it… Hanging from the camera was a tiny plastic Goomba on a keychain! His was a familiar – albeit grumpy – face that brought back a flood of fond memories.
God spoke to me through that tiny little face from my past, reassuring me that He was there with me, and giving me something to look at that was familiar, comfortable, and close enough to the camera that I could look at it and still look like I was looking at the camera.
I laughed out loud, pointed to it and said, “Hey, that’s from Mario!”
And from then on I was able to remember what I was supposed to say.
Thank You, Father God, for being so infinitely personal and creative and for bringing all of the details together so brilliantly!
Hi Mel,
I'm sorry but this little creature is a stanger to me, and by the look on his face he may want me to keep it that way, but bless God, he was help for you, so "thank you Lord."
Hi Mel!
Your Goomaba brought a smile to my face and I felt very happy.
I also enjoyed reading the real life experience you have narrated.
Many thanks for the same!
Have a wonderful day!
I just subscribed to your blog on my reader. I bet you did a wonderful job by the end of the filming.
Hi Fred, Joseph and Laura!
I know it's a goofy little story, but it reminds me that nothing is too big or too small for our God to care about and be involved in.
Thank you for your comments. Bless you all!
In Christ,
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