Ever since I first saw my first preview of the movie Secretariat for the very first time, I badly wanted to see the movie. We hardly ever go to the theater because of the prohibitive cost, so I was very nearly holding my breath in anticipation of the release of the DVD. And I wasn't disappointed.
Keith checked out the movie at Blockbuster the day it was released, but that day I had something going on in the evening and we weren't able to watch it. However, the next day, Wednesday, January 26th, 2011, upon returning home from our Wednesday night church activities, Keith and Linnea and I decided to watch it. (The kids' school starts an hour later than normal on Thursdays, so Wednesday nights they're allowed to stay up a bit later than normal.)
Megan decided she didn’t want to watch it, because she “doesn’t like horse movies.” However, half an hour into the movie, she came into the family room and plopped herself down on the floor with a snack, intent on watching with us just while she was eating her snack. But after her snack was eaten, she remained in the room with us. And there she stayed until the very last moment of the movie! And it didn’t matter that the little kids were sleeping… By the end of the movie, my husband was crying, and Megan, Linnea and I were all cheering and clapping. And the very next day, we watched it again—twice!
So for Valentine’s Day, which was also the first anniversary of Keith and I renewing our vows, I asked Keith if he would buy the movie for me on Blu Ray, since we bought ourselves a Blu Ray player a while back, but hadn’t actually purchased any Blu Ray movies yet. So he did! And we spent several hours on Sunday and Monday, watching the movie again, and watching the extras (since the extras are no longer available to watch on most rental discs). Now I know more about Secretariat the horse than I ever thought possible, and it was so much fun getting there!
(I found this lovely painting of Secretariat on the internet, but cannot read the name of the person who painted it.)
Hi Mel,
I am happy that you and your family find time to be close to each other in your favorite pass time of watching movies. I am glad that one year has passed after renewing your marriage vows.
Hopefully, I should be able to download the movie from the internet in the near future and watch it.
I also thank you for going through my new blog My THOUGHTS,MY INSPIRATIONS and leaving interesting comments there.
God bless you all,
Hi Mel,
Oh I share your joy in this movie!
I watched it on the airplane on my way to visit Matt and my heart swelled and my eyes were ringing wet so many times during the film I felt like a silly old woman! What a wonderful story, role model, and music track. "Oh Happy Day", this was a song that helped prepare my heart for the message of Christ when I was in my early twenties. These are the kind of films that inspire and endure.
God bless,
Hi Mel,
Both my email and face book accounts have been blocked. I cannot read my emails and also make new entries in the face book. I don't know how long it will take to sort out this problem.
However my blog is ok and I will be posting as usual.
God bless,
Hello Mel,
I was extremely happy to see you in my blog after a long time.
Many,many thanks for commenting on my posts.
I hope and pray that you are of good cheer and health.
If you meet Katerena any time please give her my regards and best wishes.
My best wishes to you and your family,
You friend across the oceans,
Many years ago my (now deceased)cousin cared for this beautiful horse at the horse farm he worked at for many years before overwhelming health issues caused his retirement. I visited once. He gave me a tour. Unbelievably perfectly clean and serene in all ways for their gorgeous horses.
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