Wednesday, March 08, 2006


This Blog has several purposes. First and foremost, I desire to glorify my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The second purpose is to record what God has been saying to me, what He's been doing in my life and at least some of what He has done in my life in the past. For some time, I have felt that God is calling me to write about these things so that there will be a record of His works in my life that will be able to be passed down to my children and their children. Also, His Word says that there is power in our testimony. I want to share my testimony with anyone and everyone who will listen. Finally, we are commanded to go into all the world to preach the gospel. Maybe somehow, in some small way, I will be able to do my part to fulfill that commandment through this blog.

At one time I started to try to write out everying from the beginning of my walk with the Lord forward to this time. But after trying that and failing, I've decided, with His help, to write about what He's doing now and work backwards. I hope that through the stories of my experiences, God will bring encouragement to the discouraged, truth to the deceived, love to the un-loved, hope to the hopeless, and beauty from ashes.

May His glorious name be praised forever and ever!

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