Thursday, September 27, 2007

One of the most useful lessons I've learned is how to recognize and hate covetousness. I hadn't realized before just what it was or how damaging it is when we give in to it. We've all felt it. I think kids struggle with it in varying degrees multiple times per day, at least my kids do.

You know that feeling when you're driving or walking down the street and you see a beautiful home or a spiffy car and think to yourself, "Now why can't I ever have something like that?" Or you know a couple whose relationship is exactly what you think you want, and you begin to long for a relationship just like it and feel sorry for yourself when your own relationship(s) pale in comparison? Or you see a church that is growing by leaps and bounds and every ministry appears to be flourishing, and it causes you to be dissatisfied with your own church home if it doesn't happen to be growing in the same way or at the same speed? I believe that when those desires become inappropriate, when they cause us to be jealous, bitter, angry and/or to feel sorry for ourselves, we are sinning in covetousness.

So what is the antedote? If covetousness is the inappriate longing for something we don't have, then the natural antidote to it is to be grateful for and focus on what we do have. Thanksgiving. Honoring God for Who He is and where He's lead us. Trusting Him and being satisfied in Him. We have GOD the Holy Spirit living inside us (wow!!), and the promise of a heaven that far outweighs any earthly pleasure or accomplishment. How dare we sink into disappointment and dispair? Let's set our eyes on Him and seek Him for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit in our lives, relationships and churches. May He be forever glorified by all that we say and do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so true. I think what many covet, and myself at more money. I try to justify it by the following:
-"I'll give money away"
-I'll save for missions
-I could better help others.
But even with these great reasons to wish for more money, it is still wrong and needs the antedote you offer.