Monday, July 06, 2009

A Near-Death Experience

Everyone needs to have one from time to time, I think. Yesterday we were up north visiting my husband's family. We went tubing down the Kettle River with many of our extended family, plus Linnea, Megan, Stephen and Rebecca. Most of our tubes or rafts were roped together so we wouldn't get separated. We floated about 4 miles down the river, and just as we were approaching the end of the route, the "get-out-spot," one of our ropes ended up getting caught on a rock. The rapids wanted to carry us all away. They flipped my son, Stephen's, raft, just before they flipped me out of my tube. I literrally thought I was going to die. The first thing I remember upon emerging from the water was hearing all of my kids screaming "Mommy!" at the top of their lungs. With herculean strength, Keith managed to get the rope unstuck, and his brother, Eulas (pronounced You-less), helped get the whole miserable group over to the edge. When we finally got our feet on solid ground, I thought my heart was going to burst straight out of my chest. But I honestly think everyone should face death every once in a while... It's a great wake up call, and a reminder about what's important in life. Like the importance of relationships, and not sweating the small stuff. God is good!
(Photo from Katrena)


Unknown said...

Oh scary for you! I am glad it turned out ok, of course, and hope you weren't too banged up! That happened to a friend of mine the very last time I went tubing, just as we were hitting the rapids and she almost went all the way over. It was so scary I've never gone again!

So glad you're ok, I think I can go without my near death experience though!

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel:)

What a terrible experience you and your family underwent. Thank God all of you were saved.Keith's bravery and presence of mind is to be highly commended.

No one wants to go through this kind of experience.

I agree life is a bubble and it can burst at any time. Therefore,it makes no sense to sweat over small things in life.

Once, I was about to be drowned in the sea and a big wave saved me. The details are in one of my early posts under the heading GOD SAVED ME.

Take care Mel. It is always better to keep away from this kind of risky adventures.

Thank God all of you are safe and sound, hale and hearty.

Congratulations to Keith and his brother Eulas for their timely action and presence of mind.

Kat's photo is gorgeous.

Best wishes:)

Mel said...

Hi Trudy,

Yes, it was scary. I think my son Stephen will, just like you, not ever go tubing down any river ever again. My daughter, Rebecca, however, is okay with going again, as long as we "don't go down any more water falls." She's always been a daredevil.

Hi Joseph,

I too am so grateful that God spared us. We may go again someday, but we learned many lessons this time around that will make the next experience far safer, I'm sure. Keith has gone through all kinds of disaster training through his old job, so his brain is hard-wired with many life skills that come in handy in these types of situations.

Thank you both for your comments.

With fond affection,

Laura lok said...

oh my gosh thats is so scary. thankfully it had a happy ending

Mel said...

Hi Laura,

Yes, thankfully so. It was totally by God's grace and protection that we escaped the situation unscathed.