Friday, January 08, 2010

Rethinking Already

After I published that last post, I decided to invite my closest friends and family to read my blog, if they want to. And if they don’t want to, that’s totally okay, too. Whomever reads this, my prayer is that your life is being flooded with the grace, peace, abundance and vitality of Christ! (Photo from the internet, added on 2/8/10)


Donna said...

I'm here Mel....thank you for the invite.

Life has been interesting to say the least. And I've been introverted, conserving energy to deal with the daily challenges that have wrapped around me.

But, by the Grace of God, I am still here.
Love D

Danielle&Hannah said...

Thats it Mel, it's all about grace!
Grace that God has for us - yesterday, today and tomorrow, and don't you forget it :)

Laura lok said...

ahha mystry solved. I am glad I can read your blog it brings me great joy and keeps me thinking.