Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My dad Larry and his dog Toby

This is a picture of my dad (the little guy on the right in the striped shirt), his sister Naomi, his brother Ted, and his dog Toby. Dad considered Toby to be his dog. When Dad was 4, he was running towards the road. Toby saw that a car was coming and he ran ahead so the car would hit him instead of my dad. Toby was badly injured and had to be put down. Dad was so heartbroken, he found a secluded place in the attic and screamed and cried as loud as he could for as long as he could until he was completely exhausted.

He carried this emotional wound with him for many years. In 2nd grade, he wrote a paper about the experience, and got an A on it.

I had never heard the story until a few months ago. Dad had found this picture in a tub of junk in his house. He still doesn't have any idea how this picture could possibly have gotten into that tub of junk. But when he saw this picture, God reminded him of that experience with Toby. And he opened my dad's eyes to see that Jesus did this for all of us... He threw Himself in front of the truck, so the truck wouldn't hit us. Thank you, Jesus!

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