Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I love my country. I’ve always loved America. Even as a child, songs like the National Anthem, “My Country ‘tis of Thee,” “God Bless America,” “America the Beautiful” and “God Bless the USA” made my heart cry out with passionate love and thanksgiving. I will be sorry to see her existence come to an end. My heart is already grieving.

I don’t think we’ll ever see another presidential election.

I’ve read in several different places that no democracy has ever continued to exist as a democracy for more than a few hundred years.

Why is that?

It’s obvious to me that the American people are ready to be done with the whole idea. We’re sick of the election process. We’re sick of politics. We’re sick of corruption in government. We question and distrust authority.

So I wonder… What do we want instead?


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel :)

So far democracy has proved itself to be the best form of government although it is not without its pitfalls. Wihout democracy there will be confusion, chaos, anarchy and mayhem. We don't want a situation like that. So let us hope democracy will be there forever.

Best wishes :)

Mel said...

Yes, let us hope!

FCB said...

Hi Mel,
I agree with Joseph, and don't lose heart, generations have had this feeling after every election that fails to go their way. You will live to see many more, and who knows but what God is doing something great by this change. Who knows but what God is preparing to do something great in our President elect? I will encourge you with this, during Mother Teresa's life,she lived through much change, but she was so busy serving God that whatever went on around her was unnoticed. I remember a scene in her documentary where during the war in Lebanon her concern was to get the orphans out and into safety.
She prayed, and with all the resistance she faced, God called a cease fire for just enough time for her to get in and gather up all the orphans. Once she was gone the war continued, but she was never affected because she served the Lord of all who turned the heads of Kings for her.
Be of good cheer,

Mel said...

Hi Fred,

Thank you for telling me that about Mother Teresa. That's what I want, to be a woman of prayer and of faith, and to be so busy serving God, and trusting Him, that whatever goes on around me goes unnoticed.

God bless you, my friend!
