Wednesday, November 05, 2008

“So this is how freedom dies, with a thunderous round of applause and great cheer.” – Padme

Keith had to come downtown and rescue me last night from my flighty absent-minded self. We decided to make the most of the situation and go to dinner at one of the downtown restaurants, since I had a gift card for it and the card was going to expire on November 6th.

While we were enjoying a lovely and delicious meal, one of the ladies sitting at a table near us received several phone calls from someone who was watching the election results. Whatever she was hearing was obviously to her liking because she kept loudly exclaiming words and phrases of victory and celebration.

Every time I heard one of these exclamations, this quote from Star Wars Episode III kept echoing in my mind and heart. I kept seeing Padme's face as she who so dearly loved freedom watched as it was thrown away by the very ones who were entrusted to protect it.

Our freedom hasn’t died… yet. But I'm afraid I can taste it coming on the wind…


Anonymous said...

democracies never last forever. Ours is becoming weaker as time passes. NO matter who would have won....McCain or Obama this would still be true.

Mel said...

Hi Kayloni!

It's always so great to hear from you. Time will tell... I'm so glad to know Who is truly on the throne, and that He has already won!


Donna said...

Great analogy. Yes, I tasted the same thing in the wind. Our small freedoms get taken away that are too small for us to notice or care about. We become complacent and just let government 'take care' of the details. It's just a matter of time.

It's a good thing we're on God's time!