Saturday, February 21, 2009


For the last several months, every time I've heard the song, "O Sacred Head Now Wounded," I've been irresistably drawn to it. Several times I've said to my mother, "I need to memorize the words to this song, it's a dire necessity!" But when I looked up the words, I discovered there were 11 verses, and, frankly, I was intimidated. But the song still called to me, like a Siren's song, and finally I realized that the appeal of all of the other songs I've been wanting to memorize had been lost.

So I've been dedicating the last week or two to committing these precious words to the depths of my heart, and God has been using them to minister to me in profound ways. I won't post the lyrics here, because, frankly, lyrics without music seem to be dead for most people. But if you ever want me to sing them to you, let me know... I'd be more than happy to. :)


FCB said...

Hi Mel,
I love this! I had never heard this song until a few years ago Sue bought an album (CD), called "Next Door Savior", a compilation by Max Lucado. On that album "Selah" sings this very song.
Nicole Sponberg sings it solo in a slow, moving rendition that made it my favorite hymn of all time. I hope you can hear this rendition, it brings me to tears every time I hear it. You have found the great nuggets of Christian music in your dilegent prospecting!
God bless,

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel :)

It will be another feather in your cap if you can by heart it and sing it.

Best wishes :)

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel :)

Please visit LIFE - 4 hours At A TIME. You may like it.

This blog is listed under my Blogs I Follow.

Best wishes :)

Mel said...

Thanks for the comment and recommendation, Fred! I'll have to listen to that version.

Thanks, Joseph! I don't have the whole thing memorized yet, but I hope to someday soon. I'll check out that blog. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

Laura lok said...

well I had to hear it so I jumped over to youtube and there are a couple versions of it on there very nice song. I admire your goal for memorizing the whole thing one day

Mel said...

Cool, Laura! Thanks for taking the time to do that. The music always helps to make the words more meaningful, or to open our hearts to hear them more clearly. At least, that's always been my experience.