Thursday, February 05, 2009

A Lovely Lady to be Named After

I was named after Melanie Wilkes in the book "Gone With the Wind." When I was a little girl, I hated my name, because it was uncommon. I didn't know any other Melanie's. I desperately wanted to have a more popular name, like Ashley, or Lindsay, or Jennifer. When I was in the 7th grade, I decided to start going by my middle name, which is Deborah. I told everyone at school that my name was Debbie, and went by that name for a whole year. But I found it was too much of a hassle, going by two different names, so after that year I went back to using my first name.

I'm so glad I did.

As an adult, I saw the movie "Gone With the Wind" a time or two, and then I read the book. I absolutely fell in love with Melanie's character in the story, and from then on I have been increasingly grateful for my name, and the fact that I was named after that person specifically. May God help me to become a person like that -- brave, loyal, patient, hard-working, self-sacrificing, and good-hearted to the core.


Laura lok said...

that is one of my favorite movie/books.

Mel said...

Mine, too. :)

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel :)

Very interesting.

Fortunately for me the name Joseph was so common that I didn't go through all the turmoil you had to go through although at times I wished it could have been a very uncommon name.

I hope Linnea is keeping good health and doing well in her studies. For a moment I thought the photo you had posted was that of Linnea's.

My best wishes to you and Linnea :)

Mel said...

Hi Joseph,

Thank you for your kind words. I'll let Linnea know you asked about her. :) Have a fun, relaxing and productive day!