Monday, February 09, 2009

Why I blog (one reason anyway)

One of the reasons I enjoy blogging is because it affords opportunities for me to share what's going on in my head and my heart. I say it as I see it. Sometimes I don't see it truthfully or accurately, in fact, most of the time I probably don't, which is why I hope that anyone who reads anything here that they don't agree with, or have questions about, will feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings freely, without reservation. (I promise not to be offended. I may be hurt, but it won’t last very long, and I’ll deeply appreciate your honesty in the long run.)

I don't like believing lies or half-truths. The quest for absolute truth has been a common theme throughout my life so far.

My first resource in that quest is the Holy Spirit Himself, and I call on Him frequently and passionately to examine my heart, thoughts, and motivations, and the parts of myself that I don’t see, and to “guide me in all truth,” as the Word says.

In addition to that, a great way to find out if what I believe on the inside is the truth or not, is to expose it to the light of day by writing and/or speaking about it. I’ve been in bondage to secrets my whole life, until just recently, and am now more than willing to share my innermost feelings and thoughts, even though I might be wrong, or criticized, or even rejected for it. Obviously, there are common-sense boundaries that need to be maintained, but, in light of “Sola Scriptura,” it seems to me there's a great deal of freedom to maneuver within those boundaries.

What got me thinking about this were a friend’s comments (on their blog, not mine) regarding my "The Benefits of Being Chubby" post.

Here are the comments (unchanged except for a few minor typo corrections and one clarification):

I did read [your post] yesterday...and thought about responding but in the end didn’t. Yours was a very honest post Mel, one that said a lot, it was very vulnerable and I respect that. But I disagreed with a number of your conclusions but didn’t want to hinder the transparency by engaging the issues you brought up.

Mel, I would add...that my disagreements were not very big, you just said a lot of loaded statements in my opinion. Stuff that begs some follow up...but these types of issues are so personal and close to peoples gets too personal to quick.


I’d like to speak specifically to the following points in these comments:

“But I disagreed with a number of your conclusions but didn’t want to hinder the transparency by engaging the issues you brought up.”

--- Part of the reason I try to be transparent is because I want to know if I’m on the right track or not, and also to inspire freedom of thought and expression in others. If a person wants to address something I’ve said here, I pray that they will, boldly and without fear. I whole-heartedly welcome differing ideas and opinions, and pray that God will be glorified as we all learn how to walk this incredibly treacherous road called life together, instead of in isolation.


“Stuff that begs some follow up...but these types of issues are so personal and close to peoples gets too personal to quick.”

--- I guess I’ve had so much of “aloof and detached” that “personal” sounds pretty good. It needs to be a Spirit-led and accountable version of personal for sure. As difficult as that might sound, with the help of an infinite Creator to Whom relationships are precious and valuable, in spite of the difficulty, it must certainly be possible…?


Maybe I’m way off base, and if so, I know that God will correct me as His daughter. He may use people to do that. I’m enjoying learning how to communicate without fear of rejection or failure. But as with anything of value, it comes with a price. May God guide and direct my steps in all things, for His own honor and glory, according to His will, in the precious name of Christ.


Unknown said...

First of all the Mustard post was way out of line...I could almost puke if I thought about it. :)

Second of all...I'll take you up on the engaging more in the comments stuff.

Mel said...

Thank you for your comment, Pastor Eric!

Response to 1st sentence: Oh, I'm terribly sorry. (chuckle, chuckle.)

Response to 2nd sentence: YIPPEE!! :)

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel :)

Very honest post. I wonder how many will be able to follow your footsteps.

Best wishes :)

Mel said...

Thanks, Joseph. I try to be honest whenever possible. I think most people do try to be honest most of the time, but it can be really scary. A person's gotta have a foundation that's bigger and stronger than themselves. Blessings to you, my brother! :)

Laura lok said...

well had I read this blog post before the last one on a tale of a man and a wife it would have all made sense. that was totally weird.