Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Underappreciated Value of Blogs

Blogs are kind of like playlists… When a person finds the playlist of a person who has the same musical tastebuds as themselves, they can trust that they will enjoy nearly every song on that playlist. What a blessing to find something like that! The work has already been done, the playlist has already been compiled, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy being able to listen to a bunch of favorites from one simple source.

Blogs are the same way. When you find the blog of someone with the same spiritual tastebuds as yourself, it's like finding a concentrated source of spiritual nutrition. What a blessing to know people who can be searching through books and websites and going to classes and having ideas that you'll never have on your own, or have the opportunity to go through on your own. And that they can inexpensively and convenientely share those precious gems of truth... Well, it's a modern-day miracle, and no less.
There are about 5 blogs that are in that realm for me.... Every time I visit them, I come away feeling blessed, or challenged, or convicted--but every single time, I feel 100% that it was by Divine grace and providence that I was allowed the privilege of the visit. There is a noble purpose and high calling in it. May God grant that I be faithful with everything He has trusted to me, including these precious opportunities.


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel :)

Very interesting explanation of blogs and their usefulness.

Thanks for sharing.

Have a good day :)

Mel said...

Thanks, Joseph! I know you are one of the people who sees the value of blogs, and I'm so glad, because you have brightened the experience for so many!

FCB said...

Hi Mel,
I like your analogy of a playlist. I feel the same way and love to visit my favorite blogs (this being one of them) and see what's on for dinner! Each personality reveals another side of God and his Goodness. I agree, it is a modern day miracle!
God bless,

Laura lok said...

you have a wonderful way with words and I love how you describe blogs. will have to check out a few of the blogs you follow

Mel said...

Thanks Fred and Laura, for the kind and encouraging words. :)