Friday, February 13, 2009

Tools in the Hands of a Living God

Why is it that we tend to objectify "things"? We label things as evil, when it is the heart of man that is wicked.

When I was growing up as a Baptist, everything was considered evil. Movies. Decks of Cards. Make-up. Certain ways of speaking. Certain ways of dressing. Alcohol. Cigarettes. Just things, inanimate objects with no real moral value at all. And rules, rules, and more rules. But hardly any love, and what there was of love was a vain, hypocritical, self-seeking love, for the most part. At least, that's how it seemed to me, and that's how it seemed to my dad, who stopped going to church when I was quite young.

These days I know people who label the internet as evil. Because it is used for evil purposes. But I say that the internet itself is not evil! It's just a tool, just like anything else. If evil is promoted or accomplished on the Internet, it's because the heart of man is evil, and the internet is merely serving as a magnifying glass to show everyone around it the evil hearts of the people who use it for that reason.

Alcohol is the same way. The Bible referrs to "new wine," not in negative terms, but in positive ones. Jesus's first miracle involved wine. He said that people called Him a drunkard because He drank wine.

Prohibition and the Temperance Movement happened because people labeled alcohol as wicked, when instead, it was their own hearts that needed (and still need) cleansing. Alcohol has been present from almost the very beginning. It's been a major part of celebration and mourning, and even of healing, for mellenia.

When my husband has had a drink or two, he becomes the most sensitive of men. I've come into the room only to find his cheeks soaked with tears that were inspired because of a song he was listening to. Normally he's a very get-to-the-point, let's-get-it-done, driven, ambitious sort of person. But after a drink or two, he becomes sensitive, warm, and funny. He lets go of the mountains of cares that life has placed on his shoulders, and begins, just for a moment, to enjoy the small pleasures of life--free and unfettered.

God is good. Everything He created has a good purpose and a holy use. May we learn to balance and accept what He has given us with gratitude and humility, and to allow Him to truly rule lovingly in our lives, in every single detail. All glory to Your name, Dear Lord!


Unknown said...

Psalm 104: “You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth and wine to gladden the heart of man, oil to make his face shine and bread to strengthen man’s heart” (vs. 14-16).

Or my favorite historical quote from Luther about the power of God's word alone and apart from men and the shaking it did during the reformation:

Martin Luther (probably only partially in jest) commented upon doing what he could, then having a brew and getting out of the Lord's way during the Reformation:

“I opposed indulgences and all the papists, but never with force. I simply taught, preached, and wrote God’s Word; otherwise I did nothing. And while I slept [cf. Mark 4:26–29], or drank Wittenberg beer with my friends Philipp [Melanchthon] and [Nicholas] Amsdorf, the Word so greatly weakened the papacy that no prince or emperor ever inflicted such losses upon it. I did nothing; the Word did everything.”

Mel said...

I love that scripture, and the quote. Thank you for sharing them. :) I'm really looking forward to reading more about Luther, and more of what he had to say. And I'm really looking forward to meeting him someday. It's amazing what God can do through one fearless person whose heart has been captured by the Gospel.

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel :)

Very interesting post with a lovely photo.

Eating or drinking in moderation is good. It should not be done in excess. Any thing done is excess leads to the sin of gluttony.

Best wishes :)

Mel said...

Hi Joseph,

I agree with you... Balance in all things is something to strive for, and is good advice for healthy living. Thank you for your comment! Blessings to you and yours! :)