Friday, May 01, 2009

A Friendly Hippo in a Bathing Suit

One of my jobs at work is to put together the agendas for the Monday night City Council Meetings. I put together a draft, my boss makes changes to it, I update the agenda with her changes, and then I print the corrected version out and give it to another person in the office who checks to make sure I’ve made all the changes, and that neither myself nor my boss missed anything important. When I get it completely right, which isn’t very often, the person who does the second proof puts a sticker on the front page of the agenda. Currently the stickers she’s using are stickers of happy, friendly-looking purple cartoon hippos in bathing suits… It’s amazing just how motivating those cute little stickers are to me, and how much harder I work at making sure the agenda is as perfect as possible in an effort to earn that coveted sticker. It’s the little things…


Anonymous said...

Little moments in the day, like dancing hippos, are what we remember at the end of the day to get us over the hump of the BIG things.

A friendly smile.

A squirrel scampering through the park.

A coworker who greets me with a smile every morning.

A child's laugh.

A brief but heartfelt cuddle from a child or pet.

We all have big, overwhelming things that loom over us in life but it's the little things that make the looming things bearable.

And this little blog entry today made me smile and will be remembered for the rest of the day.

Happy-Stickers-Are-Us Coworker

Mel said...

Thank you for your comment, Anonymous! It made my day! :)

Laura lok said...

wow that is some process.

Unknown said...

Hi, hope you don't mind me stopping by. I just linked up to you through Joseph's site! Can I just say you have an absolutely beautiful smile and anyone would be blessed to encounter it! I love to smile at people too, just because I think they should all be loved!

I love the hippo too! We could all use some little uplifting things like that in our workplaces!

Mel said...

Hi Laura,

Yep, it is quite a process. Have a great day!

Hi Trudy,

Thanks for stopping by, and for your kind words. It's amazing the little ways that joy and peace can be spread if we just keep our eyes open for them. Here's to hoping for some cheerful happy purple hippos in your day today. :)

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel:)

This hippo made me smile. Very friendly hippo.

He represents a sense of achievement, a trophy when a job is well done.

Have a nice day Mel:)

Mel said...

Hi Joseph,

I'm so glad the hippo made you smile. :) That was why I posted it. And yes, the hippo represents all of the things you mentioned. Very perceptive of you, as always!

May your day be full of beauty and truth!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!