Monday, March 16, 2009

New Idea for Awana

Since God has gone to great lengths in the last month or so to show me the immense power and infinite value of stories as useful tools in His great plan, this is what I’m hoping to do… During our “Large Group” time (which in years gone by was known as “Counsel Time”), I’m hoping to read stories to the children—inspiring stories and parables that contain truth about many of the various struggles, battles and challenges we all face, and how those battles may be won. After reading the story, I’ll show the children a selection of verses and have them tell me which of those verses are illustrated by the story. My passionate prayer and deep desire is to see them come to a place of being able to apply scripture to their everyday lives, and to recognize and appreciate the glory and value of the Word of God. The more they see its worth, the more they will hunger for it. The more they hunger for it, the more they will consume it. The more they consume it (not because it was force-fed to them, but because they simply couldn’t get enough), the more they will be changed by it, forever, from the inside out. THAT is my prayer and my heart’s cry.

Photo from the internet


FCB said...

Wow Mel, what a great idea, and so practical.
They say 85% of conversions happen in children, so praise God He has chosen a fire-brand to teach these feed these little lambs.
God bless your efforts,

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel:)

You writing is beautiful and inspiring just reading it. I wish I was in those classes to listen and learn from you. How exciting it would be? I am sure the children you are going to teach will remember you all through their lives with fond memories.

Best wishes :)

Mel said...

Hi Fred and Joseph,

Thank you both for your encouraging comments. I do so hope and pray that God will use this idea to grab hold of their hearts for His kingdom and glory.

God bless you both!