Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Platinum Rule

If the Golden Rule is to treat other people the way you like to be treated, then the Platinum Rule (which is the true heart of the Golden Rule) is to treat other people the way they like to be treated. But of course, that might take a little research… J


Laura lok said...

hmmm interesting thought I need to think on that

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel :)

Then what about the saying LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF.

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Her Excellency Queen Mel :)

Your Majesty, I am honored beyond my wildest imagination for bestowing knighthood upon me.

I remain,
Your servant,
Sir Joseph :)))))))))))

Mel said...

Hey there, Laura! Yes, I think all of us should think on this a little. There's quite a huge difference there.

Hi Sir Joseph! :) Regarding your question, the platinum rule is closely tied to the 2nd greatest commandment of all time. When we treat people the way they want to be treated, we are loving them in thought and action. It's easy to treat people the way we like to be treated ourselves, because we already know how we like to be treated. But what if the other person doesn't like to be treated that way, and we keep doing it simply because that's how we like to be treated? We miss the heart of the message that way, I think.

Many rich blessings to you and yours today and alway, Dear Friend! :)

FCB said...

Hi Mel,
Thought provoking words. Now it is certainly easiest to do with those in our circle of friends and family, but to those outside, hmmmm, like you said it requires that we know them and have taken the time to learn something about them. I suspect that means that in conversations I must be attentive and actually listen to what they say instead of waiting for a pause to jump in and pour out my thoughts? You question brings up lots of thoughts when I think about it. I have a co-worker that is a chronic complainer, trust me, chronic! It is difficult to work around each day, but your questions suggest that I build relationship and find what causes her complaints. Then it may be God could use me as a comfort or to assist in some way.
Then within the home, the married life, with our children, goodness, this could cause serious involvment!
Great post,

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Mel :)

You have really thought very deeply about this post and you explanation is quite convincing.

Many thanks.

Best wishes :)